Finneytown Air Conditioner Maintenance Services

Expert Air Conditioner Maintenance Services in Finneytown, OH

When air conditioning equipment is running properly and pumping out cooled air, most people don’t give their HVAC units a second thought. Nevertheless, our air conditioning systems work tirelessly during the summer — day and night, weekends and holidays — to keep our indoor spaces nice and cool. In addition to cool air, air conditioners also lower humidity and help with air quality. All too often people take their air conditioners for granted until there’s a problem. When there is a problem and we lose our cool air during the summer, it’s definitely a problem we feel right away.

We at Finneytown Heating & Cooling can help you keep your air conditioning system or heat pump in perfect working order for longer while prolonging its service life. With regular maintenance from one of our ac service technicians, keeping your A/C unit running smoothly is as easy as a breeze. At Finneytown Heating & Cooling, our preventative maintenance services are second to none. To increase your savings, in fact, we also offer service maintenance agreements to ensure there’s never issues with equipment during the summer. Although seasonal maintenance comes with a small price, you can’t afford to ignore something this essential, especially when it’s offered by air conditioning maintenance experts near you at prices you won’t find anywhere else. In order to avoid air conditioning breakdowns and keep residential and commercial cooling equipment running smoothly for years to come, we offer low-cost air conditioner maintenance services that essentially pays for itself.

AC Maintenance in Finneytown, Ohio

About Our A/C Tune-Up Deal

Getting your air conditioner tuned up and having an inspection performed by an licensed expert prior to summertime ensures you don’t lose your cool air during the hot months of summer. Our HVAC maintenance services at Finneytown Heating & Cooling give you peace of mind knowing you did what’s right by your expensive system heading into the summer. Finneytown Heating & Cooling is able to meet all your indoor heating, air conditioning and indoor air quality needs with expert HVAC services and products at prices that are fair. We proudly serve residents, property managers, contractors and business owners in the Greater Dayton and Greater Cincinnati areas all year long. We encourage people who own HVAC equipment to be proactive with their systems by scheduling a tune up every spring before heading into summer, when A/C equipment is essential. Before heading into winter, this service is also essential for heating systems as well.

Maintenance will benefit you financially in the long-run and ensure your comfort by getting your air conditioner tuned-up and inspected before summer. With our expert seasonal maintenance services here at Finneytown Heating & Cooling, a homeowner or business owner can rest at home with peace of mind knowing you won’t be experiencing any discomfort or unexpected problems and you won’t pay too much to cool your home. We at Finneytown Heating & Cooling offer air conditioning tune-up services you can afford to keep your air conditioning machines running efficiently so that you will enjoy fresh, clean and cool air in your home. As part of an air conditioning tune-up, our NATE-certified experts inspect the equipment from top to bottom and take care of everything that needs to be cleaned, repaired or lubricated. Air conditioning maintenance includes cleaning condenser coils, flushing the drainage, replacing damaged or defective electrical components, checking airflow and more. As a result of having our technicians optimize your entire cooling system, you get to enjoy longer service life, optimal comfort levels and much greater energy efficiency, which lowers your utility costs every month while keeping home comfort levels at their best and preventing rust and other issues. Expert care prevents wear and tear, preserving equipment and preventing future problems.

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4 Benefits of Cooling System Maintenance


Prevents problems and breakdowns

No one wants to have to call a furnace repair person in the middle of a hot and humid day when HVAC contractors are booked. Keeping up with maintenance is similar to keeping a car or truck serviced by a mechanice. Whenever we perform maintenance on an air conditioner, we make sure the equipment is running in optimal condition heading into summer. During a routine visit to your home or business, potential problems areas are found and resolved before these issues are able to escalate into something worse. Preventing HVAC problems gives you money savings in addition to peace of mind.


Enhances Indoor Air Quality

Our maintenance experts here at Finneytown Heating & Cooling have decades of combined experience and know how to work on all the different types of air conditioning equipment. The level of skill they offer our customers during a routine maintenance visit is essentially priceless, especially when it comes to your Indoor Air Quality. As part of any standard service visit for home cooling system maintenance, our technicians clean out particles that gather in the system to cause all sorts of issues. This includes stuff that compromises indoor air quality, which is often a far more serious than homeowners realize. Our services help you remove dust, pollen, dirt, mold, pet dander, mildew and more. All this stuff can compromise Indoor Air Quality, which can have a negative impact on health, well-being and energy levels without you realizing it.


Prolong equipment lifespan

We all want to make our cooling systems last as long as possible. Seasonal maintenance is the best way to do this. Not only does maintenance help your air conditioner work efficiently, but it also prolongs its lifespan. In any case, air conditioning tune-ups should be performed consistently by NATE-certified experts. Our maintenance experts at Finneytown Heating & Cooling have a long history of excellence in customer care. If you add up the cost of replacing your outdated air conditioner with a newer model air conditioning unit — it’s a no-brainer. Regular seasonal maintenance (when performed consistently) pays for itself. When it comes to maintenance, it always pays to be proactive instead of being reactive. Being reactive and constantly making repairs always costs you more in the end.


It reduces indoor cooling costs

Our HVAC experts work through a long list of services when performing a tune-up. This includes everything from lubrications and cleanings to an overall analysis and inspection of the entire air conditioner. Our friendly experts inspect your compressor, fan motor, evaporator coils, condenser, coils, expansion valves and other related components. We check your refrigerant levels (some people call it ac coolant) and refill or recharge it when needed. This all has a very positive effect on your system’s energy efficiency and performance. With the A/C coils and some of these other parts receiving expert care, the unit can sustain cooler temperatures throughout the residence without strain. In short, this can significantly lower indoor cooling costs, which is a major cost during the summer.

24-Hour Emergency Cooling Services in Finneytown, OH and Greater Cincinnati

Ohio’s winter weather is cold. When you lose your source of heat, your heating emergency becomes our heating emergency and we send someone over quickly. Fast and affordable emergency heating system repair services are always a simple phone call away when you choose Finneytown Heating & Cooling. We can fix any and all residential furnace problems (we repair all types of furnaces, all makes, ages and models) in a single visit. In fact, emergency furnace repairs are one of our specialties. With customer satisfaction as our highest priority, you can’t go wrong calling Finneytown Heating & Cooling for all your heating needs. When you call us with a furnace problem, our emergency furnace repair experts send an expert to your home without any sort of delay, that same day. Without it costing you an arm and a leg, they show up fast and fix your furnace on the spot. Finneytown Heating & Cooling understands that a furnace breakdown is more than a hassle. With Ohio’s cold weather, furnace problems are potential safety hazards.

Even if your heating system is still running, if your heater is underperforming or older than 15 years, you should call a professional to have it looked at, especially if it’s an older gas furnace. Gas furnace problems can be especially dangerous. Don’t risk letting a heating system problem go unaddressed another winter day. 

General Furnace Repair FAQ

Can I perform air conditioning maintenance on my own?

In short, it is inadvisable to perform maintenance on any sort of HVAC unit without proper training, experience and expertise. While there are certain things you should do to keep up with your HVAC system and its needs, there isn’t a substitute for the expert care of having maintenance performed by an HVAC expert. In short, we at Finneytown Heating & Cooling save you money in the long run by doing the job right the first time. 

What happens if I forget to have my air conditioner maintained?

Although the mechanical components of an air conditioner might continue to work for a period of time in the absence of regular maintenance, an HVAC unit that isn’t serviced every year becomes far less efficient and ends up costing more to run. Eventually, this expensive equipment also begins to experience wear and tear that can lead to more expensive damages, which can even lead to a breakdown or to failure.

How much does maintenance cost?

Some HVAC contractors charge more than $400 for maintenance services. However, you will never have to worry about high prices when you choose Finneytown Heating & Cooling. We encourage you to watch for deals on our site or email offers. To get the best prices on home cooling system maintenance services, we encourage you to sign up for a maintenance plan or Service Maintenance Agreement. To help Southwestern Ohio area homeowners save more money, we at Finneytown Heating & Cooling run special offers online for expert seasonal maintenance services. We also have customer referral programs that offer incentives to make the service cost-free. Call our offices for details! We have live maintenance experts answering our phone lines 24/7.