by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2024 | Allergies, Air purifier, Airborne, Allergens, Control, Dehumidifier, Duct Cleaning, Environment, Ohio, Particles, Pollen, Practical, Smart Thermostat, Spring, Trigger, Whole-home
Warmer days in Ohio often signal the start of allergy season. This is because Ohio’s diverse climate and landscape contribute to a mix of airborne irritants that can cause hay fever and other allergy-related issues. If you’re battling these allergies, know...
by Susan Denisi | Jan 1, 2024 | Air Filters, Attic Insulation, Ceiling Fan, Condenser, Ductwork, HVAC Habits, HVAC System, Maintenance, Smart Thermostat, Vents
Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet? It’s an age-old tradition that many of us follow to inspire our own personal growth and progress in various aspects of our lives. But as a friendly reminder, don’t forget to include your HVAC system in...
by Susan Denisi | Jun 1, 2023 | Temperature, AC, Air Conditioner, Cool Air, Degree, Energy Consumption, Fahrenheit, Smart Thermostat, Summer, Temperature Setting, Thermostat
With summer here, it’s inevitable that your AC will be running nonstop this season in order to combat the summer heat. This means that, in turn, your energy bill will be affected, and you will likely see an increase in your energy consumption. You may be wondering if...
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